We’ve Moved!

Well, we don’t live here anymore folks, if you wanna keep reading and help us grow head over to our website:


See ya Space Cowboy….

Effed Up Pic of the Day

Voice Over Legend Don LaFontaine Passes Away at 68

The man whose voice you’ve undoubtedly heard hundreds of thousands of times since you were old enough to go to the movies, voice acting legend Don LaFontaine, passed away on September 1st from complications with a collapsed lung. He was 68.

The first time I put a face to that god-like voice that narrated my every dream and fantasy, was in a mini-documentary I found on Youtube, which I’ll share with you now.

LaFontaine had a great talent and passion for his work, watching a trailer will never be the same. There have been, and will be many voices through out time, but Don’s is the one we’ll all hear in our heads.